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Automated Market Maker (AMM)

The Automated Market Maker (AMM) is a separate and optional piece of software that can be run on the same computer as the Seller Wallet. It communicates with the DEX software in order to maintain a set or Orders. If an Order is taken by a Buyer, the AMM will replace the Order with an identical one. If the price fluctuates outside of a tolerance level (usually 5%), the AMM will delete the Order and replace it with a new one at the new price.

Orders are maintained through a JSON file. Here is an example of an orders.json file that instructs the AMM to maintain orders for a single token class (a4fb5c2da1aa064e25018a43f9165040071d9e984ba190c222a7f59053af84b2) in the following quantities: 0.1, 1, and 2 tokens. The price for the token is set to $0.01 USD per token. If the price deviates by more than 5%, the AMM will delete the existing Order and recreate a new Order at the current price.

"tokenId": "a4fb5c2da1aa064e25018a43f9165040071d9e984ba190c222a7f59053af84b2",
"qty": 0.1,
"pricePerToken": 0.01,
"errorPercent": 0.05,
"markup": 0.00,
"priceAlgo": false
"tokenId": "a4fb5c2da1aa064e25018a43f9165040071d9e984ba190c222a7f59053af84b2",
"qty": 1,
"pricePerToken": 0.01,
"errorPercent": 0.05,
"markup": 0.00,
"priceAlgo": false
"tokenId": "a4fb5c2da1aa064e25018a43f9165040071d9e984ba190c222a7f59053af84b2",
"qty": 2,
"pricePerToken": 0.01,
"errorPercent": 0.05,
"markup": 0.00,
"priceAlgo": false


For the AMM to operate, you must first setup a Seller Wallet, and have the Docker containers up and synced.

  • Clone the repository.
    • git clone
  • Customize your own orders.json file and add it to the root directory of the repository.
    • cd dex-amm
    • cp ~/orders.json orders.json
  • Pull down the Docker image for the AMM.
    • cd production/docker
    • docker-compose pull
  • Run the Docker container.
    • docker-compose up -d

Once the Docker container is up and running, you can monitor it with this command:

  • docker logs --tail 20 -f dex-amm

The AMM will check the DEX every 10 minutes. It will only modify one order per check.